The orchid’s association in Chinese culture with such virtues as elegance, good taste, friendship, and fertility goes all the way back to Confucius himself, who was said to have a particular attachment to the flowers.
He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.
A youth, when at home, should be filial and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies.
The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later.
Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself.
Death and life have their determined appointments; riches and honors depend upon heaven.
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
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