Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead Walk beside me… just be my friend
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Ne marche pas devant moi… je pourrais ne pas suivre
Ne marche pas derrière moi… je pourrais ne pas mener
Marche à côté de moi… sois simplement mon ami
لا تمشِ أمامي... فقد لا أتبعك
لا تمشِ خلفي... فقد لا أقودك
امشِ إلى جانبي... فقط كن صديقي
No camines delante de mí... puede que no te siga
No camines detrás de mí... puede que no te guíe
Camina a mi lado... simplemente sé mi amigo
Не иди впереди меня… я могу не последовать
Не иди позади меня… я могу не вести
Иди рядом со мной… просто будь моим другом
Não caminhe à minha frente… Eu posso não seguir
Não caminhe atrás de mim… Eu posso não liderar
Caminhe ao meu lado… apenas seja meu amigo
Jangan berjalan di depanku... Aku mungkin tidak akan mengikuti
Jangan berjalan di belakangku... Aku mungkin tidak akan memimpin
Berjalanlah di sisiku... hanya jadilah temanku
Geh nicht vor mir… ich folge vielleicht nicht
Geh nicht hinter mir… ich führe vielleicht nicht
Geh neben mir… sei einfach mein Freund
私の前を歩かないでください... 私はついていかないかもしれません
私の後ろを歩かないでください... 私は先導できないかもしれません
私のそばを歩いてください... ただ私の友達でいてください
मेरे सामने मत चलो... मैं शायद तुम्हारा अनुसरण न करूँ
मेरे पीछे मत चलो... मैं शायद अगुवाई न करूँ
मेरे बगल में चलो... बस मेरे दोस्त बनो
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True friends are always together in spirit.
Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’ ‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.
It was the ill-fated Dil Diya Dard Liya in 1966, where she played my friend. Though the film didn’t do well, it is remembered for its powerful theme. Shyama was an entertaining friend during the shooting and we continued our friendship even after the film was over.
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