People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved.
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Les gens voient rarement les étapes laborieuses et douloureuses par lesquelles le moindre succès est accompli.
نادراً ما يرون الناس الخطوات المتعثرة والمؤلمة التي يتم بها تحقيق أصغر نجاح.
Las personas rara vez ven los pasos vacilantes y dolorosos a través de los cuales se logra el éxito más insignificante.
Люди редко видят медленные и мучительные шаги, которыми достигается даже самый незначительный успех.
As pessoas raramente veem os passos vacilantes e dolorosos pelos quais o sucesso mais insignificante é alcançado.
Orang jarang melihat langkah-langkah terhenti dan menyakitkan dengan mana keberhasilan yang paling tidak
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Self-care equals success. You’re going to be more successful if you take care of yourself and you’re healthy.
The idea of capitalism is not just success but also the failure that allows success to happen.
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