In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.
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Dans le cas des bons livres, l'important n'est pas de voir combien vous pouvez en lire, mais plutôt combien peuvent vous toucher.
في حالة الكتب الجيدة، الفكرة ليست في رؤية كم منها يمكنك الانتهاء منها، بل كم منها يمكن أن يصل إليك.
En el caso de los buenos libros, el punto no es ver cuántos puedes terminar, sino cuántos pueden llegar a ti.
В случае хороших книг дело не в том, чтобы увидеть, сколько из них вы можете прочитать, а сколько из них могут достучаться до вас.
No caso de bons livros, o importante não é ver quantos deles você consegue ler, mas sim quantos conseguem tocar você.
Dalam hal buku-buku yang baik, yang penting bukanlah berapa banyak buku yang bisa Anda selesaikan, tetapi berapa banyak yang bisa menembus dan mempengaruhi Anda.
Bei guten Büchern geht es nicht darum, wie viele du durchlesen kannst, sondern wie viele zu dir durchdringen können.
अच्छी किताबों के मामले में, बात यह नहीं है कि आप कितनी किताबों को पढ़ सकते हैं, बल्कि यह है कि कितनी किताबें आपके दिल तक पहुँच सकती हैं।
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There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love.
If books could have more, give more, be more, show more, they would still need readers who bring to them sound and smell and light and all the rest that can’t be in books. The book needs you.
Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.
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